Today in English class everybody had to make twitter accounts. We are going to use it in the class, so that me can communicate with our teacher and other students. I already had an account, but it has never been active. I also found out how to get a twitter badge on my blog, so that it is easy to follow me.
I don't know what i think about using twitter in the school. It's okay i mean, but i don't know how much it is going to be used for important stuff.
I love the fact that i can stalk people on twitter. I mean, on facebook the other person has to accept you as a friend, but on twitter you can read about who you want. I find it very interesting reading about what people think about different things, and specially friends and famous people.
When it comes to using blogs in the education, a actually enjoy it a lot. I think it's a cool, and creative way of making learning English more fun. I don't have a lot of readers on my blog yet, but that's not important. All together i have had 136 visitors on my blog, from countries like Russia, Brazil and Croatia. It's weird to think about that a person i Germany have read my blog, specially because some of my blog post are not the most interesting.
I would argue that they are interesting to read and that you should keep up the good work. The more we write the better it gets, and you will love writing too! That is my experience. We just need to find those interesting topics that you the writer and the readers will enjoy!